Monday, May 17, 2010

In Public???

Recently there was this day at work when there were three incredible looking women there (cuties as I call them) and they all had great breasts. When I got home I e-mailed Old Bear gushing about them. Okay I was gushing about their tits. I called it "booby day." LOL In response, Old Bear made me an honorary "dude." So now I am wondering...can I wear My strap-on out in public???

Also, as a side, but totally unrelated note, any of you subbies interested in a "Mommy" to discipline you? I'm thinking of branching out with another playmate.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Scissors Are My Favorite Thing

Y'all ever have a fantasy about a particular object that you can't get out of your head? For Me it's the long heavy scissors that sit in My kitchen drawer. I won't go into details as it's a private fantasy I have with one of My playmates, but they have been very distracting the last week or so. I admit that at times I have fed the fantasy by deliberately using them even when the smaller, lighter scissors would have done the job, but today I have not even opened that drawer and yet it's like they are calling to Me or something. My mind keeps wandering over there and picturing them sitting in the drawer and from there the mind wanders into more...interesting territory. >;-)

Saturday, May 8, 2010


The most odd thing happened at work today. Let Me start by saying that I'm not the most appreciated person on the planet. LOL My daughter and My niece love Me, but they are too young to really appreciate what I do (and have done) for them and frankly, I never want them to know the full extent of it because I'm not interested in being a "martyr" parent like My own mother often was. They owe Me nothing for the choices I have made because they were My choices.

My job is basically thankless. The bosses don't give a shit because they know I could be replaced in a second in this economy. Yes, her life would become more difficult because I'm crazy organized and make sure everything runs like clockwork, but I'm not indispensable. The customers also could not give a crap less. Or at least the vast majority of them could not. Once again, this is all fine. I do what I do for the girls and for no other reason.

But today one of my customers came in whom I have not seen in a while. She's been going through some rough times and moved away from the local area recently. She came in today really just to use our wi-fi and say hi. We talked for a while, like we always had and that was about it. Or so I thought. But as she was getting ready to leave she came over and gave me a big hug and told me how glad she was that I was there and how she hopes I'm not planning to go anywhere soon.

Aside from My daughter and niece I don't really feel valued very often. Yeah, Old Bear tells Me on a regular basis how great I am and OB, you know I appreciate that more than I can possibly ever say. You always told Me I was good, strong, wonderful, etc., even when I was at My lowest last year. Even when I didn't believe it, you did. And that meant a lot. But on a normal day to day basis, I get worn down a lot. At work people stare through Me as if I'm not there or treat Me like am another piece of the furniture, at home My sister is an idiot who does ridiculously irresponsible things that I always have to fix, My friends almost all turned on Me when I decided to adopt My daughter and I just never bothered to rebuild a social base because when you've been betrayed like that it makes it hard to trust, and My relatives, hell, don't even get Me started on those pieces of crap. LOL So to have this woman do and say what she did was extraordinary. At least in My experience. It was weird. Nice, but weird.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fill It Up

Wow am I ever distracted today. I had a conversation this morning with one of My playmates about butt plugs and since then everything I see that is remotely shaped as if I could shove it up a male ass, no matter how inappropriate the object it, has Me creaming. Penetrating "boipussy" is one of My very favorite sexual activities and so I have been unable to focus on anything else all afternoon. I'm thinking I'm going to be pretty out of it at work tonight. Hope it's not too busy. LOL

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What your Hair is For

For some reason I have seen a lot of parents "discipline" their children lately by pulling the kid's hair. Frankly, I consider any use of pain/violence against a child to be barbaric and counterproductive. However, it did give Me some ideas for slaves. I've long been a fan of the old cliche of dragging them along by their ear and when I'm really enjoying sex (be it vanilla or being given oral) I do engage in hair pulling, but for some reason I just had not combined the two into pulling them around by the hair. I am going to have to give that a shot. I think it could be hot.

So tell Me subbies...ever had your Domme pull you around by your hair??