Saturday, February 20, 2010


Many of you know that I've been through a journey to hell very recently and am working on recovering emotionally and physically. One of the things that I'm thinking of using symbolically is a tattoo which I will get when I feel that I am healed from what has happened. I saw some with Latin phrases written and I thought those were cool so I'm working on choosing a phrase. Old Bear and I have come up with some ideas between us and I thought I'd throw this out and see if anyone can think of any others. What I'm looking for is either one that encompasses my trip to the edge and return to life or something that discreetly references my Dominance. I don't want to have to "out" Myself to everyone who sees it so it has to be ambiguous. These are the phrases we have as possibilities so far, feel free to comment on any ideas you may have:

nulli secunda Second to none

tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito   Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them

perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim   Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you.

dum vita est spes est  While there's life, there's hope

vestri animus postulo Mihi your soul needs Me

fortunatus es licitus succumbo the fortunate are allowed to surrender

non ducor duco -- I am not led; I lead


  1. Hi Heather, if "brevity be the soul of wit"
    tatoo the last one o'er your sex a bit.

    ummm above your "precious pretty kitty"

    Whatever you get will be fine.

  2. OB-

    Yeah, that would be a great place for that phrase. LOL

