Sunday, February 20, 2011


My current sexual interest is nursing. I would not go so far as to call it an obsession, but it is definitely of great interest to Me at this time. As I said in My profile, and for those of you linking here from another site, in My personal ads, I am not lactating. I'm just interested in the suckling and the emotions and behaviors that go along with "nursing."

It has been something that has appeared in My fantasies occasionally for years but I've never pursued it or tried to nurture those fantasies. It would just pop up once in a while. A couple months back I saw some people where I work who I am almost certain were engaging in some "stolen" nursing and that kind of triggered some more serious thoughts on the subject.

Since then I'd say about 75% of My fantasies have contained nursing. The last few days I've been super horny and all of My fantasies have involved nursing. It's not the only activity or even necessarily the main activity, but it's always there.

Do any of you have experience with it? Is it as emotionally uplifting and fulfilling as it seems it could be or do you just end up feeling silly?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Any Suggestions???

I bought some condoms a few weeks ago. I'm not a big condom fan, but I've got a medical condition that prevents Me from being on the pill plus there's the STD risk etc., etc., so since I was venturing back into the world I figured better safe than sorry. Back in the past I just used the regular ones but I guess I was feeling frisky or something when I was shopping and so I chose the "pleasure pack" which has several of their specialty ones to try out. The ones I carry in My purse are called "twisted pleasure." LOL Yeah, I just chose them cuz I loved the name. But there are others called: Sensations, Intense and Fire & Ice. I have never tried any of them and am not sleeping with anyone at the moment but I do have My trusty dildo so I'm thinking of trying them out. Any of you have experience with them and can recommend or discourage any particular type??

Also, while we are on the topic, how about those new warming lubes from K-Y...anyone tried those? I used to have this cream that was a gift from a sub...damn probably about 10 years ago and it was incredible. Unfortunately I can't recall the name of it. But the sensation when it was put on My clit during masturbation was outstanding. I would love to get more of it or something comparable.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Naughty Ideas

There is this guy I mess around with sometimes at work. It's nothing serious and nothing kinky. He's not even a "friend with benefits" kind of thing. Just an occasional amusement. However, I often have trouble getting or staying aroused because it is so totally vanilla. I thought I'd see if anyone on here had any suggestions about how inject some kinkiness that he will not find objectionable. Obviously he won't eat his cum for Me or anything fabulous like that. Can't even get him to kneel. Anyone know of anything I could probably get a vanilla guy to do that would be kinky enough to help Me get more aroused with him but would not freak him out?

He was in recently on a day when I refused to mess around because of where My emotions were at right then, but I know he's coming back early next week and he comes in every few weeks anyway.

Thank you

Just a public thank you to Old Bear. As always, you were of tremendous help to Me. This time with My profile here on blogger and the other things we are still working on. I don't know what I'd do without you reminding Me of My true value when I forget. :-)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Favorite Word

Okay, I'm taking some slow baby steps back into blogging. Don't expect frequent updates right now. Time and privacy opportunities are very limited.

Anyway, I came across a word the other day and I think it may be My new favorite. Uxorious. Depending on which dictionary you use the meaning is "doting upon, foolishly fond of, or affectionately submissive toward one's wife" or "excessively attached to or dependent on one's wife."

It came up in a game of Scrabble. I have a pretty good sized vocabulary so I was surprised to find a word pertaining to My kinky world that I had not encountered before. Does that not sound like what a good slave should be to his Goddess-Wife?