Sunday, July 24, 2011

Without A Net

I thought I'd do a brief update. First I would like to thank the people who have publicly and privately expressed concern for My well being. The fact that you care, however little, about what happens to a stranger is extraordinary. My life situation is such that I'm basically on a high wire without a net. My health was precarious at best and the choices I made were basically gambles that could quickly go bad with one minor mistake in timing or unforeseen event. My body is weakened to the point that each meal, or lack thereof, matters. A lot.

Sadly, this weekend was seriously boring. Basically all the time I was not working, I was sleeping. That is not like Me at all. However, last weekend was very horny. As you can imagine, My sex drive is off kilter and requires some extreme help. But last weekend I had a great fantasy about a friend's wife that gave Me a wonderful orgasm on Saturday morning while I was working and then when I got home from work I found this video that sent Me into the stratosphere. It was a Domme penetrating her sub's ass with what looked like a violet wand, but it was hook shaped. I came twice on Saturday and once on Sunday just from that video. I've got to get one of those hooks!!! I've never really been into electricity before so I'm not sure why the video appealed so much. However, the sounds that sub made...O. M. G. Just thinking of those sounds and his begging for it gets Me tingly. LOL

Unfortunately, I have had no privacy in the last 7 days that would allow Me to go view the video again so the sex drive has turned back off. Hopefully I will get some private time again soon. But I'm not holding My breath. Privacy is hard to come by in My world. LOL But I really really need the stress relief that sex brings.

Well, I guess that brings y'all up to speed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pride and Health

This weekend is the local gay pride parade and festival. I've wanted to go for quite a while now and for some time health issues kept Me from going and then the last couple of years time constraints made it impossible. This year it will be both time constraints and health issues that keep Me from attending. I have never actually been but I've seen the pics and from what I've seen there must be some presence of the leather community so I thought I might find some fun. Plus, of course, I love to see men fuck so finding a collection of gay men willing to fuck any sub I might bring home would be a huge plus too. Oh well. Ce la vie. Perhaps next year will find My health improved and My life situation different.

While we are on the health topic, I just want to warn y'all that I may not be posting here much. I've had a recurrence of a serious health issue that I have battled off and on for years and since fixing it is not an option in the foreseeable future, I just have to figure out a way to survive for now.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sex Is Sanity

Tonight I discovered that someone I've known for a while as a nice guy is actually worthy of sainthood. At least in My eyes he is. He has done something that is just so far above and beyond what qualifies him as a "good" person. So anyway, he was telling Me about it and I could tell he was basically losing his mind. LOL Not in a psycho way, but just in a overwhelmed way. I know that feeling. So I was trying to help him out with as much advice as I could come up with and also just let him vent because I could tell he really needed to.

Unfortunately I could not offer My best advice. Sex is Sanity. He is just someone I know from work and not someone I tease or flirt with so I can't talk sex with him. I don't even know if he's gay or straight or seeing anyone or what. But I know from experience (and extrapolation) that sex is what can keep you sane when everything else is going crazy around you. It gives you a stress relieving "time-out" during the day with a quickie and at the end of a long day it can soothe you into a restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Want a Slut

An interesting woman came into My work tonight. She had on a very very short skirt. It was so short that I frequently got to see the bottom edge of her ass. I saw enough of her ass to know she either had no panties or a g-string on. Anythign else would have been visible on what I saw. Now, I know I'm going to get in trouble with some of you for this, but the outfit alone made Me think she was a slut. I then recieved confirmation of that fact. She and the man she was with were alone on one side of the room in front of the back room where I have My own stuff. I came out of that room and surprised them. She was leaning over a table and he had his hand up underneath the back of her skirt. Now, all of us females have had our men grab our asses outside of our clothing and that is a totally different thing. Anybody who lets someone have their hand up in their sexual areas in public is a slut. 

I want one. I want a slut that I can touch anytime, anywhere, anyway that I want to. I want them to be such a slut for Me that he/she/it will melt when I touch him/her/it in an intimate way. Even in public.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kissing or Tasting

I have written before about this guy at work that I sometimes fool around with. We don't have actual sex. I've also written about how I often have problems getting aroused by him. If I'm already buzzing because of something I've done with someone else earlier in the day, he will sometimes reap the benefits of that, but on the days he comes in and I haven't been aroused by someone else, it is damn near impossible for me to get horny from him and what he does. I had thought it was just a lack of compatibility. I wasn't really concerned about it simply because he is just someone I amuse myself with. It will never be a relationship. However, recently I discovered what the problem is. He does not kiss me. When I asked him about that, he said that he only kisses his girlfriend.

It sounds silly, but I had never realized how very important kissing is to the sex act. I guess because it's always been there before, I never realized how much it would be missed. This actually could have caused a serious issue with someone from my recent past. We had plans to head in a direction that would have included a behavior that would have made it impossible for me to ever kiss him again after it was done. That would have made it impossible for me to get aroused by him anymore. That would have been a really unpleasant surprise. Guess I dodged a bullet there.

So how about the rest of you? Do you find that being able to have that primal taste of your partner is fundamental to becoming aroused by them?