Tonight I discovered that someone I've known for a while as a nice guy is actually worthy of sainthood. At least in My eyes he is. He has done something that is just so far above and beyond what qualifies him as a "good" person. So anyway, he was telling Me about it and I could tell he was basically losing his mind. LOL Not in a psycho way, but just in a overwhelmed way. I know that feeling. So I was trying to help him out with as much advice as I could come up with and also just let him vent because I could tell he really needed to.
Unfortunately I could not offer My best advice. Sex is Sanity. He is just someone I know from work and not someone I tease or flirt with so I can't talk sex with him. I don't even know if he's gay or straight or seeing anyone or what. But I know from experience (and extrapolation) that sex is what can keep you sane when everything else is going crazy around you. It gives you a stress relieving "time-out" during the day with a quickie and at the end of a long day it can soothe you into a restful and rejuvenating sleep.
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