Wednesday, June 29, 2011


It feels so good to be understood. I have not been having the easiest of times lately and I vented to a friend earlier today about a couple issues and when he answered this evening it was so wonderful because he totally understood. Being understood by another human being is such a gift. It is like being wrapped in an intellectual hug. So often I feel alone and in understanding me, he gave me that moment when I felt less desolate.


  1. Sorry to hear you are having such tough times. Good to hear you were 'hugged' today in all the best ways. Someone really listening and 'getting' you is indeed a gift in itself.

  2. Hi DC. Welcome to my blog. Thanks for commenting.

    I have no one to blame for my tough times except myself. I trusted someone I should not have and I got burned. I'd say live and learn, but that apparently doesn't work for me because this is not the first time this particular person has hurt me.

    However, I am incredibly lucky to have my understanding friend. He is the shoulder I cry on. He is always there to cheer me on when things seem too much to handle. But last night he was just so insightful that I was overwhelmed and felt the need to post about it.

    Goddess H.
