Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Daddy's Home

My gender roles are kind of fluid. While I am female, I have interacted with people as "Daddy" and "Sir," as well as the gender typical Goddess, Ma'am, Mommy, etc. I know it is unusual for a female to identify as "Daddy" but not unheard of. I read an ad recently where the female submissive said she had interacted with a former female partner as her Daddy. So I know other people do it. It is just difficult to find. I've had a personal ad up for over a year looking for that but the people who have responded are really only using Daddy as a title---where it would be totally interchangeable with Goddess/Ma'am/Mommy/Whatever. That's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a more emotional experience. I can fuck anyone. Daddy fucking is more specialized.

The point to all this is that normally My inner Daddy is dormant unless fed but this afternoon it got triggered in the most bizarre way. My daughter was watching something on TV and the narrator of the show said, "What do you do when your own Daddy doesn't want you?" Holy Crap. Yeah, I know it was a totally innocent line and had nothing sexual about it, but tell that to My cunt!!! LMAO Yeahhhhh....My evening is going to be...interesting.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Just Askin'

Does anyone else find MMA to be homoerotic? Someone had it on one of the TVs where I work tonight and even though I only saw a few seconds here and there as I was walking past that particular TV, the near naked men rolling around on the ground with each other and when one would mount the other and start making pelvic thrusting motions had a very predicable response in My cunt. Yes, I was creaming and yes, if I had been able, I would have masturbated. It was not a "oooo big strong man" response...hell, I'm a Domme so I NEVER have that response....this was a response to what is essentially gay porn. Does anyone else experience something similar or am I just a giant pervert??

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Hey guys sorry for the whiny posts of the last few days. I don't want to use the blog as a whining board so I removed them. Due to the injuries, dead car and assorted other crap I'm probably going to be quiet for a while. I will write again when I'm feeling better and have something of value to say.

Friday, March 18, 2011


I am battling this nasty cold right now. Just in case there is any question...My snot...more appropriately known as My Exalted Nose Secretion (E.N.S.) is to be cherished, revered and adored, just as all My "waste" is.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fear and Tears

Today someone wrote a story for Me and he inadvertently pushed on a hot button of Mine. In the third part of the story he stressed how much fear the submissive was feeling over what was about to take place. Fear is a huge turn-on for Me. It brings out the predator in Me. I believe that all Dominants are, at their core, predators. I know that word has been given a bad rap by society but I don't see it as a negative. As long as the Dominant has a strong ethical basis there is nothing wrong with preying on those weaker than oneself. The key is to not feed upon anyone who does not want to be fed upon.

To get back to My point, the repeated use of the words fear and scared in the story had a hugely arousing effect on Me. I came at work again because I was reading it there. All I could imagine was the terror filled tremors in his voice, the whimpering, the begging and the tears. Oh My Goddess, the tears. Yeah, crying gets Me horny too. As much, if not more than fear. I love that power where I can take the male to the point where he is, in essence, a helpless little boy. When he reaches that level, I want nothing more than to devour him.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Need More

I had a super early morning appointment for a medical test today. I just got back. I work at night so mornings are not My best time. It is not that I'm cranky (okay, sometimes I am) but more about just being kind of groggy. It takes Me time for My brain to kick in. So I was fuzzy brained and uncomfortable from something I had to do to prepare for the test and the technician, while very nice and very professional, was not My "type" at all so I was expecting the visit to be non-eventful.

Then I got on the table. They have this motorized one that they can invert. Holy crap, I need one of those. So she has Me semi-inverted in this darkened room and is doing her thing and My mind is just going wild with kinky possibilities for this table. Yes, I did start to cream and actually squirmed at one point so she had to ask Me not to move.

Okay, I think if I get that horny and that into a fantasy at a medical facility I seriously need more sexual outlets cuz I'm clearly not "getting" enough. LOL

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Special Version

I know...two posts in one day is a little much, but as I was thinking about the one I wrote earlier this evening, something else occurred to Me. I prefer older men and so that "magic" little blue pill is a reality for many of them, including the friend I wrote about with the Kali. I incorporate reality into My play whenever possible and so what I came up with for him is My own special version of the game hide and go seek.

I thought I could hide his pill in the lips of My cunt and sit on his face. He has to find the pill with his tongue and when he succeeds I give him My golden nectar to wash it down.

So tell Me, have any of you come up with imaginative ways to incorporate Viagra into your play?

The Kali

Soooooooo...who here has used a Kali's Teeth Bracelet? This morning I got up at the butt crack of dawn and so I was alone for a while and had a chance to do some reading online. I read a post about someone using a KTB and it brought Me back to the good old days with a friend of Mine. He actually makes his own version of the KTB and they are one of his favorite things. So I emailed him about what I had read and we engaged in some fun memories. And then...well...yes...hottness did ensue and a good time was had by all. LOL

I thought I'd toss it out here and see if any of you have hot memories of the KTB. It is impractical for long term chastity, but it is wonderfully amazing for playing with. Especially teasing play. Let's just say...Oh My Goddess.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Holy crap My sex drive is out of control these days. I have had to masturbate at work 3 of the last 4 days. Including tonight. I only masturbate at work when I'm desperate for relief and it's affecting My behavior.

What is going on with Me??? LOL It's fun, but holy hell, it's distracting. Actually I have been extra horny off and on the for the last few weeks. Not sure what's up with that. Well, some is just the floating Super Bitch mood that shows up sometimes. Some is also that some friends are feeding Me sexual fantasies a lot more than usual. Hell even some new people here on the blog are feeding Me sexual fantasies. LOL

I'm thinking that perhaps tonight's extra horny mood was My brain's self-defense mechanism. Today I had a family member get diagnosed with a serious illness. I am the matriarch of this family and so everyone is looking to Me to deal/handle/fix/plan etc. So I think maybe tonight was just My cunt trying to keep Me from having a nervous breakdown or something. LOL

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Out of the blue some guy at work started flirting with Me. I say out of the blue because he has been coming in for the entire time I've worked there and while he is always pleasant and nice, it's never been anything but impersonal chit-chat. Until a couple weeks ago when he was excited about something that had happened in his life that day and so when I asked how he was, he sort of gushed about the new plans he had and some property he had just bought. At the time, I didn't think anything of it until he came in again two nights ago. When he arrived I was not out in the public area so he made an excuse to get Me to come out of the back room. I know it was an excuse because he didn't use what he had come and asked Me for. Over the course of the time he was there he told Me how kind I am, what a good person I am and called Me "lovely lady" twice. Those last two he did in front of other people and at least one of those other people looked at him like he was strange, but it didn't change his behavior.

He's going to be moving to one of the properties he bought soon so I thought maybe he just realized he would not see Me anymore so that is why he's flirting now? Plus I guess the use of the word "Lady" had Me wondering about submissive possibilities. But I do tend to analyze the crap out of everything so maybe he was just in a weird mood and it meant absolutely nothing. LOL Guess time will tell.