Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Kali

Soooooooo...who here has used a Kali's Teeth Bracelet? This morning I got up at the butt crack of dawn and so I was alone for a while and had a chance to do some reading online. I read a post about someone using a KTB and it brought Me back to the good old days with a friend of Mine. He actually makes his own version of the KTB and they are one of his favorite things. So I emailed him about what I had read and we engaged in some fun memories. And then...well...yes...hottness did ensue and a good time was had by all. LOL

I thought I'd toss it out here and see if any of you have hot memories of the KTB. It is impractical for long term chastity, but it is wonderfully amazing for playing with. Especially teasing play. Let's just say...Oh My Goddess.

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