Thursday, April 14, 2011

MMA Thoughts. GE Masturbation.

Well, those of you who read here will have noticed that I'm currently on a GE kick (see previous post). Something finally came up to take My mind off that. Briefly. Very briefly. LOL

Two MMA fighters came into My work tonight. In a post recently I talked about how homoerotic I find MMA fighting to be and how I always have gay sex fantasies when I happen to see it on television. Well, this is the first time I've come in contact with any of the fighters. Or at least knowingly. We have a pretty good sized MMA training gym here in town so I've probably encountered others before but just didn't know it so it didn't trigger the fantasies. These two were wearing t-shirts from the gym and had the bodies for it so they were for real.

One was hispanic and short. For some reason I have not yet been able to figure out I collect very short hispanic guys who crush on Me. I have 5 of them that come into My work on a regular basis and try to score My attention. I call them My runt club. LOL Anyway, this one didn't speak any english. Or at least I assume he didn't cuz the other guy with him was translating for Me. Okay, to begin with I am not gonna date someone with whom I don't speak the same language (DUH). Secondly, I'm not gonna date someone younger than Me (see about Me not being a cougar in a previous post). Third, I'm not gonna date a fighter. Ever. Too aggressive (ask Me about My My way/highway policy sometime). So the guy who was pimping him to Me was wasting his time. LOL

In any case, as soon as I knew they were MMA I was having horny fantasies about what I wanted to see them doing with each other. LOL Long story short the pimping guy actually works at the gym and gave Me his card and invited Me down to take a complimentary workout class there. LOL many times would I have to take a time-out from the class to go masturbate from all the gay fantasy stuff going on around Me??? LMAO

So this all happened early in My evening but by the end of the night the GE fantasies were back. I even masturbated to them before I left work. :-) Mmmmmmmmmmmmm

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