Sunday, April 24, 2011

Private Time

Due to some overnight guests, privacy, which is normally very hard for Me to come by anyway, was nonexistent at My home this weekend. When you are horny, that is a bitch. LOL I am craving porn. Fortunately, I am really good at seeing perversion in vanilla news stories and building fantasies off that. I have a pretty good sized collection of those type of articles and am always adding more, but sometimes I just need some honest to goodness porn. Unfortunately, I usually have little to no opportunity to partake of it.

There is good news though. Three days next week I will have some private time. I can't get hugely into anything then because I will have to be able to leave at a moments notice, but I will be able to have some fun. However, due to a trip and a class that are coinciding, I have a day in mid-May when the internet and I will have some extended quality alone time together. I am already counting the days until that one. LOL

If any of you have any good porn suggestions, e-mail them to Me. My public e-mail address is on My blogger profile.

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